5 Ways to Add More Power to Your Newsletter Content
5 Ways to Add More Power to Your Newsletter Content
It is no secret that email marketing offers one of the biggest
returns for your time. However, the so-called “secrets” that
make these emails impact readers and influence their decisions
continuously are not so obvious. Here are 5 of the tips for
strengthening your newsletter content:
1. Small, but powerful. Nobody wants to open an email and read a

3,000-word anything. A few decades ago that might not have been
the case, but times have changed, and the attention span
combined with everything else has made reading a few thousand
words feel like the end of the world for some people. On the
other hand, nobody wants to open up their email and get 1 or 2
sentences that are the exact opposite of the substantive points
they are used to getting. Readers feel gypped or that they
invested their time opening an email and getting nothing out of
it when that happens. So what is the right length?
The thing to keep in mind when constructing an email is that you
are always going to be pulling men and women in and trying to
get them to the sales page. However, the same principle
concerning attention span and wordiness applies here as well
because an email with a ton of factual information about your
product will lead the reader in getting lost. Some readers might
love that, but that small chunk of people is getting smaller
every day. The idea is to EDUCATE them with a little bit of
information that tells them about your product or what your
product has to offer them. Their natural curiosity will then
lead them to your website. You are warming them up and then
letting them come to you rather than you bombarding them.
2. Your kind of news. When constructing an email it never hurts
to give your readers a news update that ties into your
particular niche. Sure it takes a little extra work and a couple
of minutes of thought, but readers will sink their teeth into
the email because they are passionate about the niche just like
you. In addition to giving them that quick update, you should
also give them your latest offer or the new product that you are
rolling out. The men and women who have used this trick
year-after-year have benefited from it more each year. As the
number of readers increases the idea of giving them a news
update to strengthen the relationship works the exact the same
Keep in mind that you do not want to bombard them with your new
product and only include a minor reference to a huge event
relating to your niche. That is sure to annoy them and have them
run away from your offer. If you cannot think of a recent news
event that goes hand-in-hand with your niche then just don’t
include it in the email. Putting nothing in the email is better
than trying push two unrelated concepts together.
3. Problem-solving year-round. Opening an email and quickly
learning how to fix a common problem or maybe even a long-term
problem leaves readers feeling ecstatic and almost in debt to
the person that shared this life-changing knowledge with them.
(you) Even if you do not include an offer in your email, you
will still produce the same result for many of your readers.
However, kicking the email off with the problem that your
product fixes and the ways it outperforms the competition is
perhaps an even better way to guarantee quick sales and a
massive growth of followers.
Even more newsletter content
4. Hook & then reel. An excellent newsletter will get readers
attention and keep their attention with stories that are very
intriguing in general. Add that interesting article in with your
readers who are major fans of your niche, and you have produced
an article “too interesting” for them to pass up. So once they
get hooked in that article, you can reel them in by giving them
a link directly to you blog, which is where they will be able to
finish reading the article. Just make sure you have the entire
article on your blog so the readers can see it if they happen to
go directly to your blog.
5. Just have fun. Everyone tends to say “just have fun” when it
comes to the most serious topics, and of course, nobody ever has
fun because the topic at hand is so serious. The “just have fun”
idea can be taken literally when writing your emails. Just think
about which email you would read first. The 2,000-word monster
from your Uncle who rambles on for days every time you see them
or the 500-word email that flows perfectly and makes you laugh
out loud. Keep that answer in mind when writing to your readers.
They likely have enough serious topics staring them in the face
every day and dragging them down. Have fun and try to look for
ways to make the email funny.
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To Your Success,
Erlend Solvberg