How to build backlinks for a new site

When you write your first post be sure to write around one or two keywords or phrases. Use each of these keywords or phrases at least once for every 100 words you write. Each post should be a minimum of 300 words however, more is better. Use posts of different lenght. Some posts can be 300 words, some 500 words and some 1000 to 1500 words. Build them around the keywords or phrases you want to rank for. How to build backlinks.
When you are finished with your first post.
At the bottom of this post make sure to link back to the top of this post. Also make sure to link back to the category page. Also link back to the about us page. Do not forget to link back to your homepage also.
Find some wiki posts about this topic and link to that post. Generates credibillity not backlinks.
Find a newspaper article regarding something similar and link to that post. No backlinks but credibillity.
Your next posts.
Build quality content around one or two keywords and phrases and keep on doing this in a regular way. One or two posts each day in the start and more or less after some time. But preferably one or two each day.
At the bottom of each post you will make a link back to the top of each post, a link back to each category page, a link back to your main site, a link back to your previous post and a link back to a similar post.
You will also have to find some wiki posts to link to for each post, NOT the same post. You also have to find some newspaper related articles to link to, NOT the same posts.
You can also find some blog posts that ar eon the same topics and link to them however, remember to search for their pagerank and domain authority. This should be higher or equal to your sites PA and DA.
Internal linking is king.
Internal linking is king. Use this for good and you will gain domain authority and pagerank very quick. Backlinks are the back bone of every website. Build posts around a few keywords and phrases do your linking after each post and your website will gain reputation and credibillity very fast. When you have gained this you can start selling whatever you want within your niche. You can open up for guest posting and gain backlinks that way also.
Conclusion on how to build backlinks:
Build quality content, do interal linking, make external links and gain domain authority and pagerank. It is very fast and easy if you follow this plan.
To your success.
Erlend Sølvberg
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