How To Write A Killer Headline
How To Write A Killer Headline
Writing an effective Article is part art and part science. The

science portion is pretty straight-forward and can be easily
taught. The art portion takes a bit of practice to get right.
Fortunately, there are some great ways to test your Article
response so you can continually hone the words until you get it
right. Write a killer headline.
The hardest part of writing a headline is figuring out what it
is you want to say. Don’t laugh! You can create the most
grammatically perfect headline using the most proper English
possible and the Article campaign will probably fall flat.
Saying the wrong things with the right words = No Sale
You need to convey your point in as few words as possible and
not worry about your High School English teacher grading your
paper. It’s not going to happen. Your goal is not to show the
world what a talented and eloquent writer you are. Your goal is
to make the cash register ring!
Don’t start out focusing on “how” you are going to say
something, start out focusing on “what” it is you want to convey
to the readers and which of their “pain” buttons you want to
Give your headline the respect that it deserves. After all, it
is your best salesperson. It’s your attention getter. It’s the
one chance you have to get your offer out in front of your
audience. If your headline fails to do its job properly, the
remaining portions of the Article will never get their chance to
In order to write a powerful headline you have to step out of
your shoes and into the shoes of your prospect. You have to know
which buttons need to be pushed. You have to know which words
will excite them and which ones will put them to sleep.
But most of all, you have to know how to use those words to make
it impossible for them not to want to read the remainder of the
message. Write a killer headline.
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