5 Tricks to Turn Web Visitors into Friends and Fans
Some marketers, despite their efforts they put in their
marketing, fail terribly despite at enticing their email
subscribers to open their emails. However, there are others, who
after a short time, get thousands of subscribers who become
loyal followers to them. You may be wondering what the key
secret is? How do they manage to get all those loyal
subscribers? Are there secrets the Frank Kern’s of this world
know that we don’t? Turn Web Visitors Into Friends And Fans.

The secret of being successful in this field is one; how you
craft and present your content. Whether you are presenting your
emails in the form of videos or telling real-life stories, there
are several tricks that will make people interested in what you
have to say and want to follow every word you say. Here are five
tricks that can help you gain loyal customers who can buy your
1. Use Stories
Your content can be very helpful and valuable, but if you cannot
keep your reader interested in learning the next point, then you
will lose them. One way of captivating your audience and keeping
them interested is through stories. Even the shortest of the
stories can be helpful. Here is a simple example of a short
story. Depending on the grade school you attended, you might
have bene told of two different ways to spell the word
The obvious one is a-r-i-t-h-m-e-t-i-c. The other one is
your mind? I’m sure it is the rat mnemonic because it reminds
you of a short story the teacher may have told to explain the
pronunciation. You just need to get a little bit creative, and
you will capture the mind of your audience.
More importantly, stories convert a life moment into a clearer,
meaningful, and powerful experience; they are called the
currency of human contact.
If you want your audience to read your content and follow your
recommendations, then master the art of storytelling. Stories
captivate your audience thereby increasing your open rates and
consequently your conversion rates.
2. Apart From Stories, Engage the Senses
How do you engage the senses? By use of adjectives. For
instance, instead of just saying it tastes good, use words such
as delectable and refreshing; instead of smells good, use
fragrant and aromatic. Try to explain your product by using
adjectives to make your story enticing.
Also, use videos instead of written word content. Videos engage
the senses more than the written word, and it delivers your
message faster than writing.
3. Make Use of Cliff Hangers and Open Loops
You are watching the last episode of your favorite TV show and
Boom! The main character is shot, and the episode comes to an
end. You are left with many questions on your mind. Will he
live? Who will replace him now? You have no answers because the
show has ended and that’s the last episode of the season.
Now you have to wait until the next season is released to know
whether he’s still alive or not. That is what we call a classic
cliffhanger. There are unresolved actions and great suspense
that leaves you yearning to see the next episode.
Our nature, as humans, dictates that we always want to see the
closure of something. Therefore, we will tune into the next
season to see how it will end up. Of course, the directors never
put a closure to their show because they want you to stay glued
to their movie, hence the popularity of movie series and soap
operas, despite their ridiculous storylines and bad acting.
So in the same way, if you are writing a series of blog posts or
emails, you need to link them up in that the last blog post
promises to reveal something worthwhile in the next one. It
should be something that your audience will be eager to find
out.Something that will make them glued to your blog post
Turn Web Visitors Into Friends And Fans.
For instance, you are doing a series of blog posts on traffic
generation. You discuss a method that works like a charm, then
promise to show one trick that can instantly double or triple
the results in your next post. This will make sure that your
audience will be tuned in to find out what the trick is.
Open loops work in the same way as cliffhangers, with the only
difference being that they come at the beginning of the content
and the answer at the end. They are great when you are doing
sales letters and detailed blog posts and videos. They keep the
reader engaged so as to know the answer.
For instance, you might promise to reveal three fat-burning
foods that effortlessly burn fat. Then after the introduction,
you say something like “did you know that there are simple
techniques you can use to increase your rate of burning fat?”
Your audience will be compelled to continue reading because they
want to know the three foods that will help them melt away
4. Magnify Your Genuine Personality
Whatever your personality is, grow it to the point that it is
bigger than life. People follow marketers, not their marketing
website. People follow comedians, not their jokes. People follow
bloggers, not their blog posts. You need to have a personality
that appeals to your audience if you want them to follow you.
Take this a step further and be different. Study your niche and
look at what you can do differently. Go against the norms. Not
because you want to raise controversies or an argument, but for
the sake of standing out and shedding a new perspective on a
challenge or problem.
Don’t be a cookie cutter. Don’t be normal. Do the unexpected and
surprise people. Shock them and make them stop dead in their
tracks. This is not very challenging; just look at what other
people are normally doing in your niche and do something
5. Be Funny and Turn Web Visitors Into Friends And Fans.
This trick tends to scare marketers away since not everyone is
gifted with natural humor. This doesn’t mean you start reciting
your childhood jokes. Instead, you need to try and find humor in
your everyday life. You can learn how to do this by reading Make
‘Em Laugh and Take Their Money.” This book will offer you a few
thoughts on using humor as a writer or speaker.
If you want people to continue enjoying your content, you need
to make them smile and laugh. When your audience is in a good
mood, they will tend to buy more of the products you are
One piece of advice you can borrow from this entire article is
that you need to stand out. Just look around your niche and see
where the majority are heading to and then do the opposite and
lead your herd in an entirely different direction. You won’t win
everyone over, but you will get loyal followers. Those who will
follow your different route will do so with all their minds.
To Your Success,
Erlend Solvberg